Remember, you are not alone in the challenge of self improvement. We all want to look the best that we can and retain our youthful look as long as possible. Do you ever look in the mirror and wonder what you can do to get back your youthful look? Most of us see a face that has changed, doesn’t look as youthful as it once did and might even start resembling our parents! Take a deep breath and remember that there are many options available for achieving that younger look, and with that, an increase in self confidence.
Most of us know that face-lifts are a tried and true method for eliminating those wrinkles and tightening your skin, but there are other surgical and non-surgical alternatives that can also help to reduce the inevitable signs of aging.
So, what are the options? Face-lift surgery is a cosmetic procedure that involves removing sagging skin and tightening muscle tissue of the face and neck to counter signs of aging. A brow lift (forehead lift) minimizes the creases that develop across the forehead, or those that occur high on the bridge of the nose and improves frown lines or a low brow. Skin rejuvenation procedures including Matrix IR Wrinkle reduction, IPL Photo rejuvenation, ReFirme Skin Tightening, Microdermabrasion, Hydrafacials and Chemical Peels are all effective and can be used in combination with each other or with a surgical procedure.
Various injectable fillers are effective in reducing wrinkles and softening facial creases and BotoxTM is just one of the popular non-surgical ways to reduce or eliminate frown lines, forehead creases and crows feet. It is the proper mix of these procedures that guarantees a successful improvement in appearance and a significant reduction in the signs of aging.
It is most effective to combine a surgical procedure with a non-surgical procedure to achieve the best and most significant results. When injectables started to become more popular, many people hoped that they would fully substitute for a face-lift. However, statistics across the country show that patients now believe that the combination of surgery with injectables provides the best result, which explains why BotoxTM and other dermal fillers are continuing to grow in popularity. As reported by the Aesthetic Surgery Education & Research Foundation (ASERF), not only is the use of these products growing, but the willingness of people to discuss their treatments with others is also growing. Survey results found that the typical aesthetic injectable patient is a married, working mother between 41-55 years of age with a household income of under $100,000. In addition, women receiving aesthetic injectable treatments are health-conscious, with the great majority incorporating exercise and healthy eating habits into their lives.
If you are considering surgical and/or non-surgical procedures, remember that in order to best achieve the look you are striving for, it is also important to maintain a healthy diet, exercise program and an overall healthy lifestyle. These critical elements assist in retaining your looks and keeping your skin healthy and youthful. It is the proper mix of procedures, determined by your specific needs, that guarantees a successful and significant
improvement in your appearance and a reduction in those signs of aging.