New Year, New You!

Wow! 2008 has flown past us but what a great year it was. We can thank our fantastic patients for that! The past year for us was filled with amazing people, fun events and new bonds with patients bringing us smiles and laughs all year long.
We would also like to thank our patients for their loyalty and voting to once again make Dr. Greenberg the Plastic Surgeon of the Year for 2008 bythe Long Island Press!

Congratulations Dr. Greenberg!

Looking ahead at what is to come, 2009 is looking more wonderful every day. Keep up with our website (, KJOY’s Nip/Tuck Saturday night (hosted by Dr. Greenberg), and your daily Newsday delivery for the latest news.

It’s a new year and that means it’s time for a new you. Keeping updated on our website will bring you all of the news for our special Injectible Evenings, Seminars concentrating on procedures of your interest, appearances, luncheons, parties and so much more!

Let’s be honest… We all made our resolutions at midnight this year, but don’t just talk about them, show them.

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