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Let’s Face it Together

A mini facelift, also referred to as the “weekend facelift” or the short scar facelift, is a minimally invasive cosmetic procedure specifically designed to address facial aging concerns such as sagging skin, wrinkles, jowls, and neck laxity. 

As we age, the effects of gravity, sun exposure, and natural loss of collagen and elastin can cause our facial contours to lose their youthful firmness and definition. If you desire a refreshed and rejuvenated appearance without undergoing a full facelift, a mini facelift may be the ideal solution for you. 

Before and After Photos

Dr. Stephen T. Greenberg leads Greenberg Cosmetic Surgery and Dermatology’s team of highly skilled physicians who are dedicated to helping patients achieve their desired aesthetic outcomes. With our state-of-the-art techniques and personalized approach, we can help you turn back the clock and restore a youthful appearance that reflects your inner vitality

Don’t let facial aging define you – reclaim your confidence with the transformative power of the mini facelift. Call one of our locations today, or request a consultation via our online form

The Importance of the SMAS Layer 

SMAS stands for the superficial musculoaponeurotic system, a fibrous network of connective tissue that provides structural support for the face. It lies underneath the layer of subcutaneous fat so that our faces remain supple. All facelift surgeries incorporate the SMAS layer in some way- as it allows surgeons to modify the contours of their patient’s face without it appearing overly tightened or unnatural. The SMAS was first discovered by Dr. Martine Peyronie and Dr. Vladimir Mitz in 1976; this sparked a revolution in the way facelift procedures were performed. Up until the 70s, facelifts only modified and tightened skin, leading to mixed results. Then, in the late 80s, Dr. David Furnas researched how ligaments in the middle part of the face could be manipulated to produce a specific cosmetic effect. This breakthrough eventually led to the development of deep-plane facelifts that involve techniques that address the connective tissue beneath the SMAS layer. (1) With a mini facelift, patients can achieve subtle changes focused in the lower half of the face, undergoing an effective procedure with less downtime than a full facelift. 

Benefits of a Mini Facelift

If you are bothered by sagging skin, wrinkles, or loss of facial volume, the mini facelift may be the perfect option for you. Here are some of the benefits you can expect from a mini facelift: 

  • It can completely eliminate jowling, effectively highlighting your natural jawline.  
  • You will feel confident in smoother, younger-looking contours in the lower cheeks. 
  • You’ll enjoy a noticeable reduction in your nasolabial folds.
  • On average, results endure for at least a decade. 
  • Only local anesthesia with sedation is required. 
  • The procedure takes 1 hour to complete. 
  • Scarring is less significant than a full facelift. (2)
  • You’ll be able to return to work after just 1 week of downtime. 

Candidates for a Mini Facelift 

Candidates for a mini facelift are often younger patients seeking help for mild-to-moderate tissue sagging and signs of aging in the jaw and neck area. In general, candidates must be in good overall health with no conditions that could negatively affect healing and/or blood clotting. Ideally, candidates should be non-smokers or be willing to quit for some time in order to recover properly. Nicotine has the potential to slow down the healing process since it negatively affects blood circulation and puts a strain on the heart itself. Finally, those looking to resolve signs of aging in the midface and upper face may benefit more from a full facelift, brow lift, or an eyelid surgery. A mini facelift may be combined with a brow lift and/or eyelid surgery for a more complete rejuvenated appearance. 

Personal Consultation 

During your consultation, we will take the time to understand your specific concerns and goals. We will review your medical history and discuss any previous cosmetic procedures you may have had. We will also examine the elasticity of your skin, underlying structures, and facial contours to determine if a mini facelift is the most suitable option for you. 

This assessment will allow us to develop a personalized treatment plan tailored to address your unique facial aging concerns. We will also explain the procedure in detail, including the techniques involved, potential risks, and expected outcomes. To find out if you are a viable candidate for this procedure, request a consultation online or call us at (516) 217-8120.


During your consultation, your surgeon will explain how to prepare for the procedure and will give you important instructions to follow. It is important to discontinue the use of blood thinners, supplements, and any medications that may interfere with the surgery. Blood thinners can increase your chance of unwanted bleeding during the procedure.  If you are a smoker, you will have to stop 4 to 6 weeks before your procedure. Finally, you should arrange for someone to pick you up after your surgery since you will not be able to drive yourself.

Procedure Steps 

Depending on your needs, you’ll be given local anesthesia with sedation or general anesthesia. During the surgery, they will make small incisions at the hairline above the ear and extending down around the ear. After lifting the skin from this incision, they will access the SMAS layer and tighten it. They will then carefully redrape the skin, removing the necessary amount of excess for a natural-looking effect. To complete the procedure, the incisions will be closed. They will only leave a short, well-hidden scar that blends in with the natural creases of your ear.

Recovery and Results 

After your procedure, we will place surgical dressings to protect the incisions. You may have some swelling, redness, and bruising, but it will resolve with each passing day. Depending on your individual case, your surgeon may place fluid drains. They will also prescribe medications to help you handle the discomfort and/or recommend over-the-counter medications. 

After one week, you will be able to resume sedentary work. As you recover further, there are a few actions you’ll need to take to get the best results possible. If you are a smoker, you should refrain from nicotine products for at least one month after your procedure. You will also want to avoid sun exposure until you’re completely healed and are able to apply sunscreen with an SPF of 30 or higher. While it’s not a critical part of your recovery, it will be a significant help in the prevention of further signs of aging. You’ll be able to notice your final results within 4 weeks.

Corresponding & Complementary Procedures 

A mini facelift is best paired with those that correct cosmetic issues in the upper half of the face for a more comprehensive approach. 

Eyelid Lift 

An eyelid lift, or a blepharoplasty, is a procedure that removes drooping skin and excess fat from the upper and lower eyelids. With a procedure time of just 1 hour, you can restore more refreshed, alert, and expressive eyes. 

Brow Lift 

The brow lift, or forehead lift procedure works to elevate the brows, but it mostly erases deeper wrinkles on the forehead. Opting for this procedure alongside a mini facelift can help create a more uniform, youthful appearance. Incisions are made just above the hairline, so any resulting scars will be well-hidden. 

You can read more about the other procedures we offer on our blog.

Cost of a Mini Facelift in New York City 

The exact price of your mini facelift will depend on the specifics of your procedure. Combining a mini facelift with additional facial surgeries, non-surgical facial treatments, or skin rejuvenation services will impact the overall cost. We will provide complete pricing details at your consultation. 

Find facial rejuvenation solutions like the mini facelift at Greenberg Cosmetic Surgery & Dermatology. We offer several financing options for patients looking to make their procedure more affordable. Call us or complete a simple form to get in touch.


What makes a mini facelift different from a full facelift? 

A mini facelift focuses on the reduction of mild signs of aging in the lower half of the face, while  a full facelift tightens loose skin in the neck and provides some lift to the midface and cheeks. 

Will I be able to see my mini facelift scars? 

Your surgeon will make very small incisions along the crease of your ear, where they are easily hidden once the sutures are removed and the area is fully healed. Scars from a mini facelift are about 40% shorter than those of a full facelift. 

Do mini facelift results appear natural? 

Mini facelifts results appear incredibly natural because your surgeon will tighten the SMAS layer, a layer of connective tissue that lies beneath the skin, in order to lift jowls and other creases in the lower half of your face. The skin itself is not tightened directly, and the muscles are not impaired in any way during the procedure. 


  1. Barrett DM, Casanueva FJ, Wang TD. Evolution of the rhytidectomy. World Journal of Otorhinolaryngology – Head and Neck Surgery. 2016;2(1):38-44. doi: 
  2. Van Pham T, Truong KHTN. Short or Minimum Incision Deep Plane/Extended Deep Plane Facelift/Rhytidectomy. Facial Plastic Surgery. 2020;36(04):376-385. doi: