Tummy Tuck Case #21251
This 43 year old female consulted with Dr. Greenberg for an abdominoplasty as she was unhappy with the lax appearance of her abdomen. She was dissatisfied with the \’bulging\’ appearance of her abdomen and complained of the skin laxity that existed around her belly button region. Dr. Greenberg discussed at length with the patient the options of a tummy tuck versus liposuction of the abdomen and flanks, and based upon the patients past pregnancies and confidence that she did not want to have any more children it was elected that a tummy tuck would provide her with the flat and contoured abdomen that she desired. Below are her pre-operative and 6 month post-operative photos.
- Patient #: 21251
- Gender: Female
- Age: 41 - 50
- Procedure: Tummy Tuck