Tummy Tuck Case #21249
This 44 year old female consulted with Dr. Greenberg for an abdominoplasty, or tummy tuck, procedure. She complained of the \’barreled\’ shape of her abdomen and presented with significant laxity of her abdominal wall muscles, the result of multiple pregnancies. Dr. Greenberg discussed with her at length the differences, expectations and limitations of a tummy tuck and a liposuction procedure, and it was decided that based upon her primary concern to repair the diastasis recti (or separation of her abdominal wall muscles) and with the goal of achieving a flat stomach that a tummy tuck would be the best course of action. Below are this patients pre-operative and 9 month post-operative photos.
- Patient #: 21249
- Gender: Female
- Age: 41 - 50
- Procedure: Tummy Tuck