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Transfeminine Top Surgery NYC

Transitioning is a highly personal and individualized choice for each person who decides to do so. For those who are seeking to take on a more traditionally feminine appearance, male to female top surgery is one of the go to surgeries for individuals who wish to adopt womanly curves. Alongside transfeminine top surgery in NYC that we offer, there is a myriad of commonly performed procedures that can be utilized by those transitioning to alter their appearance to be more in line with what they envision.

Transfeminine Top Surgery: Breast Implants and Augmentation

The most obvious choice for those who want a more feminine appearance is usually getting breast implants. Today’s breast implants and techniques are truly incredible and can look and feel great.

Whether you’re seeking Gummy Bear Implants or Silicone or Saline Breast Implants, Dr. Greenberg has got you covered. A breast implant consultation can go a long way in helping patients feel more confident in the outcome of the procedure. Dr. Greenberg is also an expert in the 24 hour breast augmentation. Dr. Greenberg is one of the leading breast augmentation professionals in New York.

A consultation will let us know exactly what size and shape breasts you are looking for. Generally speaking, patients will either need to discuss or know beforehand the:

Implant type: Silicone, saline, or gummy bear. However, each type of implant offers their own benefits. Because these implants are filled with saline solution, they are considered to be the safest in the event of a rupture and they are the most cost-effective as well. Silicone are the most common implants on the market today. Since they are filled with a silicone gel as opposed to saline solution, they tend to be lighter and softer. Gummy bear implants also use a type of silicone gel, but the gel is highly cohesive and due to that, retains its shape well after having pressure applied.

Size of Implants: typically, breast implant sizes are measured in CCs or cubic centimeters. How large of an implant the patient desires is of course, up to them. Generally speaking, implant sizes for those undergoing an M to F top surgery are larger unless significant feminization has taken place.

Implant Profile: When considering implants, people typically think about size, but profile is just as important. How much do you want your breasts to protrude out when standing? This is, like all else, a highly subjective choice.

Seeking Transfeminine Top Surgery in NYC? Let Greenberg Cosmetic Surgery Help!

Greenberg Cosmetic Surgery and Dermatology is one of New York’s most trusted cosmetic surgery practices. Dr. Greenberg has helped thousands of patients achieve the results they desire in the way they desire. As a celebrity plastic surgeon, Dr. G is trusted by high profile individuals to get the job done.

When it comes to individuals seeking to alter their appearance to be more in line with their experienced gender, it’s even more important to get the best outcomes out of any procedures. Working with a practice that understands this is important.

In addition to assisting with transfeminine top surgery in NYC, there are also several other procedures that may prove to be useful for those looking to masculinize or feminize their appearance. A few include:

And more.

Contact Greenberg Cosmetic Surgery and Dermatology today for more information about our MTF top surgery in NYC.