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Take Advantage of Breast Implant Removal!

Consider how many times in your life your sense of style changed. It could be every couple of years or every couple of months; some periods of your life offer rapid change and growth and your self-image changes with those things. Should it be any surprise that cosmetic surgery procedures are not exempt from this as well? They are, after all a part of your self-image and how you choose to present yourself. After getting them put in, why do some women choose to remove them? Here are a few common reasons.

What Is Breast Implant Removal?

As simple as it sounds, a breast implant removal is not the opposite operation of a breast augmentation. A breast augmentation can be many things, including a revision surgery which we posted about here. The main thing to be considered is that breast implant removal goes hand in hand with revision surgery, as many times a revision surgery will require removing the original implants in favor of newer implants of better quality or of a different type.

Why Choose To Get Breast Implant Removal?

As we discussed in our last post, there are many reasons why someone would choose to get implants removed. Removal is often a central part of the revision process, however, some women choose to simply stop at removing them and returning to their original size.

Our introduction paragraph touched on an important part of cosmetic surgery philosophy, which is that what a person considers beautiful or ideal can and will change. It’s not about what society thinks necessarily, but what each person feels most comfortable and attractive with.

We always urge our patients to follow their heart, if they desire implants then we’re always there to guide them along in the process and help them make an informed choice that they are sure to be satisfied with. Likewise, if after a couple of years you’ve decided to get the implants revised or removed, we’re always there to help you. The process will be even smoother if you originally got them with us as we’ll know the exact details of the operation!

Breast Implants Do Not Last Forever

After decades of research into implant technology, the implants of today are quite resilient and last a very long time. However, after about a decade or so the chance of failure or rupture increases by about 1{6185f9fd976fcd6062d90727d31c06bb37ace863a77be9111580b516dc262aca}. It is important to get checkups to make sure the implants are intact. A definite reason for implant removal is that your implants are nearing that decade mark and you wish to be proactive about swapping them out.

If you are okay with this, this can be a perfectly good opportunity to acquire implants that benefit from the most modern, cutting-edge technology in the space. It can leave you feeling excited all over again about your implants!

Another factor that is common yet not discussed is that implants can look very different over a decade. Consider all that happens within a decade, many people undergo bodily changes such as weight gain and weight loss very frequently. Dramatic weight loss or weight gain can change the way implants hang and are positioned. This is one of the many reasons those who have undergone breast augmentation return for removal and/or revision surgery.

Shifting Body Ideals

Ask any cosmetic surgeon or practice and they’ll tell you there is a marked difference in the demands of today for breast augmentation versus in the early 2000s and 1990s. The desired look and bust sizes of yesterday were much larger and obtruding. There wasn’t a tremendous focus on making implants look as natural as possible, and given that the field was still somewhat younger as compared to now, the techniques to do so were not well understood yet.

Nowadays implants can look and feel very natural! There is no longer a noticeable separation between the breast and the overall chest as methods have evolved for placement. Silicone implants are widely considered to look and feel more realistic then saline implants. A major selling point for silicone implants is that they weigh less than saline and as a result are more resistant to drop.

Saline Breast Implant Removal

Many women are interested in getting silicone breast implants because of their reputation as more natural feeling. However, consider that the required age to get silicone breast implants is actually at 22 as compared to saline breast implants which the age requirement is set to 18.

The stated reason for this is because of safety studies that were done for silicone implants did not include patients under 22. As a result, you may be able to get silicone implants but it is unlikely you will be offered a lifetime guarantee on the implants themselves.

However, many people do not know this and choose to get saline implants as early as possible (18) and later on when they undergo breast implant removal for revision surgery, they choose to go for silicone.

Breast Implant Removal Long Island

Breast implant removal and revision surgery go hand in hand in many cases. For whatever reason, if you wish to get your implants removed, visit Greenberg Cosmetic Surgery. Stephen T. Greenberg, M.D., F.A.C.S is a celebrity plastic surgeon who has performed countless operations. He is nationally renowned and has appeared on CBS, Fox News, NBC, and other significant broadcasting networks.

When you visit Greenberg Cosmetic Surgery, you’re choosing to place your operation in the best hands. Dr. Greenberg and staff have carved out a reputation by being on the forefront of cosmetic surgery advances and implementing those with success.

Having performed hundreds if not thousands of breast augmentations (including removal), Dr. Greenberg has developed the sharp eye necessary to know what looks best on each person.

Contact us today to set up a consultation for your breast removal, augmentation, or revision.