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Breast Augmentation to Improve Symmetry

Symmetry in nature is a sign of beauty and health. Although asymmetrical features in people are perfectly natural, many prefer a more balanced appearance for themselves. For women hoping to adjust the symmetry of their breasts, plastic surgery can be a permanent way to improve one’s desired look.

Breast Augmentation

Breast augmentation is a common practice for women looking to enhance their breast size, shape, or curvature. At Greenberg Cosmetic Surgery in Long Island and Manhattan, we want you to be aware of your options when considering augmentation surgery. Should you use silicone or saline? High or low profile implants? Breast augmentation for asymmetry brings additional choices to the table as well. We encourage you to explore the benefits and drawbacks of each alternative; this information is readily available on our site and through a personal consultation with Dr. Greenberg.

Ways to Correct Asymmetry

The most typical and noticeable difference in breast symmetry is size. Fortunately, this can easily be altered via augmentation in one of three ways:

Benefits and Risks

Breast augmentation is not for everyone, nor is it the only way to improve one’s self-image. However, women who choose to treat their breast symmetry may be rewarded with a boost to their confidence and comfort. Additionally, adjusting one aspect of your body can often enhance the rest. Speak with Dr. Greenberg to learn how this procedure can help you achieve the look you want, while evaluating the most appropriate options for your body.

Like any breast augmentation, there are certain risks to be aware of. These risks can be minimized after a personal consultation, wherein the right choices can be made for the patient’s body type, health, and implant preferences, among other considerations.

Schedule a Visit Today

Dr. Stephen T. Greenberg is a highly established cosmetic plastic surgeon. A range of procedures are offered for men and women seeking to revitalize their appearance and self-esteem.

 If you are considering breast augmentation to improve symmetry, please contact us to schedule an appointment and learn how we can best help you meet your goal.