Despite the advances, it is still surgery and you are wise to understand possible side effects and how to manage risks. Risks are reduced when liposuction is performed on healthy people at a reasonable weight and when it is performed in a properly equipped facility by an experienced doctor.
If you are interested in learning more about liposuction, Stephen T. Greenberg, M.D., F.A.C.S is a board certified plastic surgeon serving Long Island and Manhattan, who can explain the treatment and liposuction side effects. A skilled surgeon, Dr. Greenberg performs liposuction procedures every week using only the latest technology. He is regularly featured in magazines and on CBS, ABC, and NBC news programs as a specialist in liposuction.
Common Side Effects
Side effects are a normal response to liposuction and a part of the healing process. They may include:
- Soreness. This occurs around the treatment area and will lessen in a few days. Soreness can usually be managed with over-the-counter pain medication.
- Bruising and Swelling. This is a normal response and will subside as you heal. Bruising can be influenced by your own tendency to bruise as well as by the type of liposuction performed.
- Numbness. Though patients find numbness troubling, it is a natural response to the surgery and generally temporary. Normal sensations should return over a period of six months.
- Sagging Skin. Any sort of weight loss can produce loose skin. Sagging skin after liposuction is generally temporary and will lessen within a few months. However, if you have poor skin tone before liposuction, you will have poor tone after liposuction as well, which increases your chances of wrinkling. Other cosmetic surgery techniques are better suited to treating skin that has lost tone.
- Scarring. Scarring at incisions sites where the cannula is inserted. Scars will vary in size depending on the procedure, but will be placed as discreetly as possible. It may take 12 to 18 months for the scar to fully mature and fade. Though incision scars lessen, they will always be present.
Other Side Effects
There are some side effects that are less common. Occasionally a patient may experience:
- Color changes around the treated area.
- Uneven surface in the treated area.
- Damage to nerves.
Major complications with liposuction are rare when patients have been carefully screened. Your risks go up if you have large amounts of fat removed or if you are in poor health. Major complications can include excessive blood and fluid loss or punctures. As with other surgeries, risks include the chance of infections, blood clotting, and reaction to anesthesia. You should discuss all aspects of liposuction, side effects, risks, and complications with your physician so you have a clear understanding before undergoing treatment.
Next Step
Liposuction is available for many parts of the body, including the abdomen, thighs, arms, and neck. If you would like detailed information about how liposuction can improve your contours, a personal consultation will help you understand the treatment and side effects for your particular needs. Please call for an appointment.