Consultations offered at our seven convenient locations in Manhattan New York City, Princeton New Jersey, Scarsdale, Woodbury Long Island, Southampton, Smithtown and Boca Raton, Florida

Incorporated as a borough in New Jersey on March 10, 1908, Ramsey lies in Bergen County. Due to its close proximity to the state border, Ramsey is considered by many to be a suburb of New York. The estimated population of Ramsey, NJ as of July 1st 2021 is 14,693 people. The median household income is $156,058—54% higher than the state average of 85,245, which corresponds with the poverty rate of 1.3% that is significantly lower than the state average of 9.4%.
Overall, Ramsey is considered to be among the top places to live in Bergen County. If you ever want to gauge how much people want to live somewhere, a glance at the median home prices in any given town or county can tell you a lot! In the case of Ramsey, the median home price according to Zillow’s data—which is sourced from the New York-Newark-Jersey City Metro home values, is roughly $614,826. RocketHomes considers Ramsey a sellers’ market, which means that homes sell faster and prices tend to be higher. With convenient routes and a relatively short commute into Manhattan, it’s no wonder that Ramsey is a popular place to settle down and own a home.
Greenberg Cosmetic Surgery has many convenient locations within New York that service patients from many areas around New York and New Jersey. Just a short commute away, we help plenty of patients from New Jersey—especially Bergen County.
Seeking Cosmetic Surgery in Ramsey, NJ?
Greenberg Cosmetic Surgery is one of New York’s finest cosmetic surgery practices. Dr. Greenberg has been at the forefront of innovation in both performing procedures as well as being on top of the latest and greatest. As a celebrity cosmetic surgeon, Dr. Greenberg has developed a keen eye towards how procedures need to be performed for the best outcomes, as well as an understanding of what people truly desire out of the procedures they choose.
This tradition of excellence is represented all throughout Greenberg Cosmetic Surgery and Dermatology, which is why so many of our patients choose to forego closer options for cosmetic procedures to visit our offices–such as those seeking cosmetic surgery in Ramsey, NJ or Bergen county. When it comes to your appearance and getting a procedure done, choosing a cosmetic surgery practice that truly listens to your needs and understands how to translate your aesthetic goals into reality by selecting the best procedures for you.
We offer a full suite of cosmetic procedures including but not limited to:
- Breasts: Breast Augmentation, Breast Lifts, Breast Implants, Breast Reconstruction, Breast Reductions, 24 Hour Rapid Breast Augmentation
- Body: Liposuction, Tummy Tuck, Upper Arm Lift, Full Body Lift, Thigh Lift, Fat Transfer, etc. Click here to view the full list of body procedures
- Face: Facelifts, Mini Facelifts, Eyelid Surgery, Rhinoplasty, Otoplasty, Laser Skin Resurfacing, Forehead Lift, Chin Surgery, Silhouette Instalift, Fat Transfer, Mole Removal, Neck Lifts, Lip Augmentation, Cheek Augmentation, Earlobe Repairs, Microneedling
- Male Procedures: Gynecomastia, Neograft Hair Restoration, Rhinoplasty (Dr. Greenberg has the pleasure of performing this procedure on many teens and adult patients from Manhattan).
Are you seeking cosmetic surgery in Ramsey, NJ and have an idea of what you want to aspire to physically? When you know what you want roughly, the amount of choices available for procedures can be dizzying. Contact Greenberg Cosmetic Surgery and Dermatology for a complimentary comprehensive consultation to help translate your vision into reality.