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Long Island Eyelid Lifts: Improving Looks and Outlooks

An eyelid lift, or blepharoplasty, is a surgical procedure that removes excess skin and fat from the eye area to rejuvenate and restore a patient’s appearance. It improves both the functionality and aesthetics of the eye area, enabling patients to look more rested and youthful. Cosmetic surgeries like the eye lift remove excess skin sagging, relieving patients of angry expressions and improving their overall appearance.

Dr. Stephen T. Greenberg has been Long Island’s premier plastic surgeon for over 30 years, providing patients with exceptional eyelid lift results throughout his distinguished career. The double board-certified surgeon focuses on comprehensive care in a wide range of cosmetic specialties. Dr. Greenberg performs masterful eyelid lifts for all of his patients after creating a personalized procedure plan specific to the needs and desires of the patient.

Schedule your private consultation at Greenberg Cosmetic Surgery & Dermatology today by calling or contacting us online

Before and After Photos

What is an Eyelid Lift?

As we experience aging, our skin starts to lose elasticity due to collagen and elastin depletion. This can lead to sagging or droopy upper eyelids and under-eye bags. There are telltale signs like jowl formation, wrinkles, and loss of volume, but an aging eye can sneak up on anyone. With an eyelid lift, patients can achieve a brighter, more youthful-looking appearance that solves these issues. Blepharoplasty removes small sections of skin and soft tissue from above or below the eye to correct ptosis (sagging) and puffiness. (1) Dr. Greenberg performs upper, lower, and quad eyelid lifts (all four lids) for his Long Island patients.

Upper Eyelid Lift

A sagging upper eyelid often impairs a patient’s peripheral vision and makes makeup application difficult. During an upper eyelid lift procedure, Dr. Greenberg makes an incision along the eyelid’s natural crease. This allows him access to the internal anatomy of the eyelid where orbital fat pads are hidden. With age, these fat pads can become herniated, which makes them look fuller and more prominent. They start to project and descend, often making upper eyelid sagging worse. After carefully removing eyelid skin, he can either trim fat from these pads or reposition and suture them to smooth out the eyelid and decrease excess volume. He stitches the incision with a very thin suture to complete the surgery. 

Lower Eyelid Lift

A lower eyelid lift targets the lower eyelid and the fat pads located beneath it. Dr. Greenberg makes an incision along the lash line on either the inside or outside of the eyelid. He then dissects or repositions fat to reduce under-eye bags through careful removal.

When upper and lower eyelid lifts are combined, the procedure is called a quad eyelid lift

If a patient presents with drooping upper eyelids, a low brow line, and puffy under-eyes, they may be a good candidate for a combination quad eyelid lift and brow lift.

Benefits of an Eyelid Lift

This procedure benefits patients by:

  • Improving eyelid contour
  • Removing loose and excess skin
  • Reducing eye puffiness
  • Shrinking under-eye bags
  • Increasing peripheral vision
  • Removing fine lines under the eye

It is important to remember that eyelid lift surgery does not typically reduce crow’s feet or prominent eye wrinkles. Those who have droopy eyelids benefit tremendously from upper eyelid lifts and often gain a wider field of vision. When under-eye bags are corrected, a patient often looks more energized and youthful. Their eyes may look wider and their expression happier after this procedure.

Personal Consultation on Long Island

Dr. Greenberg will meet with you privately at our Woodbury, Southampton, or Smithtown location to discuss your candidacy. He will carefully assess your eyelids and the upper half of your face. He will measure both eyelids to see if skin must be removed to achieve your cosmetic goals. If you are a good candidate, he will order blood tests to make sure you are healthy. 

Dr. Greenberg will prepare a customized treatment plan and explain the procedure process in detail. He will advise you on whether general anesthesia or local anesthesia and IV sedation is the best choice to keep you comfortable during surgery. If you qualify for a quad eyelid lift, he will inform you about what receiving both surgeries at once is like and how to prepare. 

This meeting will also be your time to ask any questions you have about eyelid lifts. Dr. Greenberg will be happy to allay your concerns and make sure you are completely comfortable with your procedure plan. This is essential to ensure your satisfaction. At the end of your consultation, our staff will assist you with scheduling the surgery and follow-up appointments.


Prepare the following before your eyelid lift:

  • A recovery space at home
  • Transportation to and from surgery
  • Easy and nutritious meals
  • Necessary prescriptions
  • Time off work
  • Necessary eye exams


  • Blood-thinning medications
  • Alcohol
  • Tobacco and nicotine products
  • Certain herbal supplements

If you use contact lenses, wear your glasses instead on the day of your surgery. Please arrive at our facilities in comfortable clothes and without makeup. Leave all jewelry and valuables at home.

Eyelid Lift Procedure

Dr. Greenberg first marks each eyelid to map his incisions, then carefully removes the outermost layer of skin. He addresses the fat pads, repositions the muscles when necessary, and stitches the incisions. He then places bandages on the incision sites. Depending on the intricacies of your eyelid lift, the surgery takes anywhere from 1 to 3 hours to complete. This is extended if Dr. Greenberg recommends an additional brow lift procedure.

Quick Recovery and Lasting Results

Patients typically experience swelling and bruising for up to 3 weeks after an eyelid lift. Those with more severe effects may take 10 days to 2 weeks off of work until they are comfortable returning. Dr. Greenberg provides detailed aftercare instructions so his patients can stay on track. Occasional cold compresses will help to curb swelling and soothe the area. Please take any prescription medications as written and inform us about any unusual bleeding or excessive swelling. We will be available to answer questions during office hours. Call us at (516) 217-8120 if a high fever or extreme discomfort persists throughout recovery.

Most patients see immediate results even when post-surgical swelling is present. The eyes will be brighter and more youthful-looking. These effects only get better throughout healing and the final eyelid contour is long-lasting. To best preserve results, use UV protection when in direct sunlight and moisturize your skin regularly.  

Corresponding & Complementary Procedures

Brow Lift

Sometimes an upper eyelid patient also presents with sagging eyebrows. An eyebrow lift is a procedure that detaches and lifts the eyebrow muscles with sutures. For the right patient, a brow lift offers a more complete rejuvenation of the upper eye. For those with pronounced brow sagging, Dr. Greenberg may perform a brow lift through incisions in the hairline. (2)

Fresh Face Cosmetic Surgery Package

Some patients are looking for more complete facial rejuvenation. At Greenberg Cosmetic Surgery & Dermatology, we offer the Fresh Face Package, a customizable plastic surgery plan. It focuses on correcting skin sagging, reducing wrinkles, and enhancing facial harmony for our Long Island patients. 

Surgery combinations may include:

How Much Does an Eyelid Lift Cost on Long Island?

Eyelid lifts are customized to meet your needs. Each procedure is different, and there are many things that influence cost including the chosen anesthesia, surgical room fees, prescriptions, and other expenses. Dr. Greenberg and his team offer financing options for interested patients.

To schedule your eyelid lift consultation with us, please do not hesitate to call your nearest Long Island location below. You can also contact us online by filling out this short form


Who is a good candidate for an eyelid lift?

The ideal candidate for an eyelid lift has droopy, hooded upper eyelids. They may have dark under-eyes or heavy shadows obstructing their eyelid contour. A patient in need of blepharoplasty often has an impacted field of vision or a permanently sad, furrowed, or angry expression because of their eyelids. 

Is there an optimal age to be before getting an eyelid lift?

There is no right age to receive an eyelid lift. Though most patients are in their 40s or 50s, those with the associated symptoms can benefit from the procedure at any age.

What is the typical downtime for blepharoplasty?

Most patients take 5 to 10 days off of work, though everyone’s recovery process is different. Make sure to stay hydrated and keep a nutritious diet to promote healing.

How soon can you drive after an eyelid lift surgery?

If you are taking prescription medications for discomfort, please wait until you are no longer taking them to begin driving. Wait until you are comfortable and your vision clears before getting behind the wheel.

Do you have to sleep in an elevated position after blepharoplasty?

For the first 72 hours after surgery, you should keep your head elevated even during sleep to mitigate swelling and encourage proper healing.


  1. Klinger M, Vinci V, Maria Angela Romeo, et al. Surgical Tips for Aesthetic Lower Lid Blepharoplasty: Prevention of Round Eye. Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery – Global Open. 2023;11(7):e5092-e5092. doi:
  2. Bahmani Kashkouli M, Karimi N, Sianati H, Khademi B. Techniques of Eyebrow Lifting: A Narrative Review. Journal of Ophthalmic and Vision Research. Published online April 6, 2020. doi: