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What Are the Pros and Cons of Small Breast Implants?

Mention breast augmentation to the average person, and there’s a good chance that he or she will automatically think of large, voluptuous breasts. In many cases, however, bigger is not better. The ideal size of breast implant varies according to a woman’s frame, not to mention her aesthetic goals. For some patients of our plastic surgery practice in Manhattan, small breast implants are preferable to their larger counterparts.

Breast implant size is very personal choice. Dr. Stephen T. Greenberg works closely with each patient to help her understand her options and the advantages and disadvantages of each. As with any treatment option, small breast implants have their own unique pros and cons.

The Benefits of Small Breast Implants

For certain women, small breast implants offer a wealth of advantages, including:

The Drawbacks of Small Breast Implants

The only real disadvantage to small breast implants is that some women aren’t wholly satisfied with their results and wish that they had gone larger. While it is possible to undergo a second surgery and have larger implants placed, it is better to achieve the desired results the first time around. That’s why it is important to establish realistic expectations and have clear, well-defined goals before undergoing breast augmentation.

Learn More about the Pros and Cons of Small Breast Implants

Dr. Greenberg’s years of experience, extensive training, and keen artistic eye enable him to provide his patients with valuable guidance and insight as they consider their plastic surgery options. If you would like to learn more about the pros and cons of small breast implants, or to schedule your initial consultation with one of the nation’s foremost plastic surgeons, please contact Greenberg Cosmetic Surgery today.