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Side Effects of Tummy Tuck Surgery

As one of the most popular body contouring procedures, a tummy tuck is an effective way for patients to get rid of undesirable pockets of skin and fat. This treatment can help patients achieve confidence in their enhanced curves, and is deemed safe by the FDA and the American Society for Aesthetic Plastic Surgery (ASAPS).

However, like any plastic surgery, there are still certain risks and side effects. While many patients find that a tummy tuck’s benefits outshine potential drawbacks, all candidates should understand the procedure’s effects beforehand.

Side Effects after Surgery

After receiving tummy tuck surgery, also called abdominoplasty, you can expect a few common side effects. All of the below effects should subside in the days, weeks, or months after surgery, depending on the type of procedure you receive and your individual recovery.

Tummy Tuck Procedures

Your side effects during recovery are influenced by multiple factors, one of which is the type of abdominoplasty you receive. There are three types of tummy tucks, each for varying body types and degrees of tissue removal:

Risks of Complication

Patients who are in good overall health and carry no significant risk factors can expect a successful procedure with very little chance of complication. As with any surgery, infection is a possibility, but this can be avoided through the use of antibiotics and proper use of a post-surgical compression garment.

When speaking with your doctor before surgery, ask about the possible risk factors that may limit your candidacy. Heavy smokers, for instance, have more difficulty recovering from surgical procedures, as do patients with illnesses that limit their immune system. Uncontrolled diabetes, heart disease, liver disease, and circulatory problems are some factors that may put patients at an increased risk of complications.

Meet with Dr. Greenberg

To hear more about the risks and benefits of tummy tuck surgery, schedule a meeting with Dr. Greenberg. Through a personal consultation, you can gain a better understanding of whether you’re a good candidate for any of our plastic surgery treatments and what you can expect from them. Contact us today to learn more.