Are you considering treating yourself to a Mommy Makeover in NYC? Mothers can benefit in many ways from this procedure. But when is the right time to get one? There are things you should handle prior to scheduling your procedure that will help ensure your experience goes as smoothly as possible. Greenberg Cosmetic Surgery can provide you with a quality Mommy Makeover in NYC once you have considered the following:
Is Your Physical Health Where It Needs To Be?
There are a few physical requirements that must be met for your candidacy to be approved. It is important you set a goal weight and be at or within it prior to your procedure. Doing so will allow you to experience the best results.
If you lose a significant amount of weight following your Mommy Makeover, you may experience skin laxity or sagging. That would negatively affect the results you achieved with the procedure. The goal is to have your results be satisfactory while attaining your realistic goals.
For women who are nursing or have recently weaned their baby, you must wait at least six months before you undergo surgery. Nursing can change the size and shape of your breasts as well as cause you to lose weight. The time will allow your breasts to move into their final post-nursing position and your body to complete its transition.
Will You Have Reliable Help Post-Procedure?
Mothers are used to being superhuman. We cannot stress enough that you will need to briefly retire your cape after your procedure. It is mandatory you restrict yourself to only light activity for a set amount of time after surgery. It is a good idea to make sure children who are not used to having a caretaker are exposed to the experience prior to your procedure.
Are You Able to Take Time Off Work?
Each Mommy Makeover in NYC is customized to the needs of our patients. However, even if you work a desk job, the general set of procedures included in the surgery requires downtime.
Getting a Mommy Makeover in NYC
As a mother, it can be hard to put yourself first. However, part of the Mommy Makeover journey is not just transforming your body; it is learning to embrace caring for yourself, without compromise, when it is necessary. You are worth it, so let us help you reach your goals. For a Mommy Makeover in NYC, get in touch with us at Greenberg Cosmetic Surgery in Manhattan, Southampton, Woodbury, and Boca Raton. Contact us today to book your consultation.