Mother’s Day Makeover With Greenberg Cosmetic Surgery

Mother’s day is right around the corner, Greenberg Cosmetic Surgery would like to thank all of the moms of the world for all of the hard work they do. They say you can tell a lot about a person based on how they treat their mother. Whether you are a new mother (congratulations) or your children have already left the nest, let Greenberg Cosmetic Surgery treat you right with our Modern Mommy Makeover!

What is the Modern Mommy Makeover?

The modern mommy makeover is a procedure that frequently tops our list of popular packages. Being a mom is tough, especially if you have a newborn. A great deal of time, care, and worry goes into raising children young or old. And while by our modern standards mothers are no longer expected to take on all of the household’s duties, that doesn’t stop many moms from going above and beyond for their families!

It’s a stressful life, no doubt. With stress and time, comes the tell-tale signs of aging. Weight gain, stubborn belly fat, loss of vaginal elasticity due to childbirth, and of course, wrinkles! Nature can be cruel. However, with the power of modern science and the skilled hands of Dr. Greenberg and staff, you’ll be feeling brand new in no time!

What Procedures Are in Our Modern Mommy Makeover Package?

This is a comprehensive package that features both surgical and non-surgical procedures. Age does not affect everyone the same. Some people may struggle with wrinkles but are not suffering from stubborn belly fat, or some may have a wrinkle-free complexion but are dealing with cellulite issues. It is a highly individualized plan that will require an assessment from Dr. Greenberg to decide which of the procedures are most needed.

We will, of course, also consider your personal aesthetic goals. After all, the most important thing is that you walk away feeling satisfied with your results!

That being said, here’s some of what you can expect when you sign up for the Modern Mommy Makeover.

Breast Augmentation

Breast augmentation is the solution to your worries about breast size or shape. This procedure is done not just to enlarge breasts—as is commonly believed, but to also work on the shape and symmetry of breasts. Truly, you can have the shape and size you’ve always wanted when undergoing a breast augmentation.

Body Contouring

If you want to change something about your body such as the shape or tone, body contouring is the solution. This involves a host of procedures that are tailor-made for specific areas of the body. Liposuction is used to rid the body of that stubborn fat which refuses to go away no matter how much you starve yourself, exercise, and diet properly. In combination, a tummy tuck (adominoplasty) can be performed for those who have lost skin elasticity due to fluctuating weight due to childbirth or excessive weight loss.

Thigh and arm lifts. The thighs and arms are subject to fat deposits through weight gain or just the unfortunate mark of genetics in regards to your unique fat distribution. You can be of average weight or BMI and still have excess fat in areas such as the thighs or arms because that is where your body wants to store it.

Vaginal Rejuvenation

Whether through age or through childbirth, one thing is certain. Vaginal elasticity declines with age due to a decrease in estrogen levels. Loss of vaginal elasticity is directly correlated with a lessened enjoyment of intimacy. Intimacy is an important factor for happiness in life, and so vaginal rejuvenation is a procedure that many women are excited about—and rightfully so!

Enhancement Procedures

Enhancement procedures are things such as laser skin resurfacing or cellulite reduction. Both wrinkles and cellulite are things that cannot be avoided on the basis of genetics. Frown lines, crows feet, and other common wrinkles will occur in greater or lesser severity depending entirely on how your face is shaped and the way your skin folds. When you make expressions, it is not under your control how much stress you put on the skin over time!

Inevitably, skin loses elasticity as well, and these wrinkles do not return back to their pre-expression shape. That is where laser skin resurfacing procedures can make a huge difference. They’re also phenomenal at treating various blemishes such as acne scars or age spots, etc.

Cellulite is another issue that is controlled entirely by genetics. Cellulite is commonly found on the thighs or buttocks and is a thing that interferes with many women’s self-esteem and willingness to wear bathing suits or shorts.

Mother’s Day Makeover Package At Greenberg Cosmetic Surgery

Mother’s Day is almost upon us! Whether you’re treating your wife, your mother, or yourself, set up an appointment to schedule out a Modern Mommy Makeover with Greenberg Cosmetic Surgery to truly bring a smile this Mother’s Day. Our Dr. Greenberg and our attentive staff will answer any questions you may have about the list of procedures in this package as well as your aesthetic goals.

If you have any additional questions or concerns, contact us today!

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