Extreme Makeover Surgery

Extreme Makeovers: Changing Long Islanders


Combinging breast implants, liposuction, tummy tucks, or other cosmetic surgeries


*originally posted in Long Island Press

Many patients have been asking me about the trendiest lifestyle change in the country, the “extreme makeover.” Extreme makeovers combine a mix of one or more plastic surgeries, such as breast implantsliposuctiontummy tucksfat transfers or nose jobs, along with cosmetic dentistry, professional image counseling, an exercise and fitness program, a nutritionist, and/or a hair and makeup consultation. The mental and physical benefits that can be achieved are staggering.

Patients of all ages are doing what makes them feel better, and look better. Societal pressures no longer exist, and patients are outwardly speaking about the procedures they have had. In fact, patients who look in the mirror and are pleased with their appearance often have a happier and uplifted mental status. In general, the real-life extreme makeover is not about individuals winning multiple surgeries on major network shows. Instead, it applies to the wide range of everyday Long Islanders choosing to have a mix of cosmetic procedures.

One of the typical surgery combinations is a breast augmentation with liposuction and a tummy tuck. Last year, nearly a quarter of a million women chose breast augmentation surgery. Results are extremely natural, and various-shaped implants make breasts look as real as possible. Patients typically can return to work just a few days after having breast augmentation alone, or even breast augmentation with liposuction. Tummy tucks require a slightly longer recovery period.

Whether you are considering one or a number of procedures, it’s most important to set specific and realistic goals, and to be extremely comfortable with the surgeon you choose.

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